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Men’s Breakfast

Garden Heights Baptist Church 4224 McClelland Ave., Erie

Erie City Mission

Erie City Mission 1017 French St., Erie

Sign up at the MRT to help!


Men’s Breakfast

Garden Heights Baptist Church 4224 McClelland Ave., Erie

Church Hike

woodcock dam 22079 PA-198 PA 16433, Saegertown,

Sign up at the MRT to participate!

VBS 2024

Garden Heights Baptist Church 4224 McClelland Ave., Erie

Click on the website link to register.  

No Mid-Week Service

Garden Heights Baptist Church 4224 McClelland Ave., Erie

Since most of our church is involved in some way with our VBS program, we have canceled our regular Mid-Week Family Ministries.


Men’s Breakfast

Garden Heights Baptist Church 4224 McClelland Ave., Erie