Church Family Christmas
Garden Heights Baptist Church 4224 McClelland Ave., ErieJoin us for our church Family Christmas program. If you would like to participate with a song, reading, skit, or in any other way, please let Pastor Mark know.
Join us for our church Family Christmas program. If you would like to participate with a song, reading, skit, or in any other way, please let Pastor Mark know.
All are invited to come along as we minister to members of our church and our community through Christmas carols. We will meet in Gardner Hall at 6 pm, then carpool to several houses in town to share in worship through song. Hot chocolate and cookies to follow.
This year Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday. While we want to make sure worship is a priority, we also want to be sensitive to the plans that many have with family. On Christmas Eve, we will only have one morning service which will be held at 10 AM. There...
We will hold a candlelight Christmas Eve service on December 24th at 6 pm.
The Mid-week Service will not be held on this date.
Join us in Gardner Hall for games and a gift exchange. Bring a snack to share and a wrapped, re-gifted item.
Every first Sunday of the month, the congregation splits into five different groups to meet in various homes or at the church for a time of fellowship and discussion of the morning message. There will be no PM service on this date.
Six12 Blizzard Retreat 2024 Weekend: February 9-11, 2024 Speaker: Jason Pearl, Buffalo, NY Starts at 6pm Friday, leave at 4pm Saturday or 10am Sunday One night $65, Two nights $95 716-287-2848 or