While the Deacons are certainly not the only ones who serve, they definitely lead the congregation in serving; in fact, the word “deacon” means “to serve.”
You’ll usually see all four deacons up front during our monthly remembrance of the Lord’s Supper as well as taking our Deacon’s Fund offering at the close of the service that same day.
We have five deacons serving in 2024: Chuck Chromik, Bob Brown, Michael Dunkerton, Matt Pepper, and Ryan Zurad. Chuck Chromik is currently the deacon chair.
Each of our deacons serve in a variety of areas and meet monthly to discuss how to best meet the needs of our facility. They also endeavor to help meet any practical needs of those in our congregation and our community, as they become aware of those needs. If you see or know of any facility issues that need to be addressed or physical needs that you think they could help meet, feel free to contact any of these faithful servants.
While all of the deacons serve the congregation in general, each church member has been assigned to a “Deacon Care Group,” enabling the deacons to better serve a group of specific individuals and families.
The following individuals currently serve in leadership roles over various areas of ministry. If you’d like to find out more about them or are ready to get involved, please email [email protected].
Children’s Ministries – Darcie Helm
Custodial – Guy & Kathy Sheldon
Media Team – Matt Pepper
Missions – Pastor Brian Helm
Music Ministry – Pastor Mark Warnshuis
Office Administration – Teresa Pepper
Outreach – Pastor Mark Warnshuis
Preaching & Teaching – Pastor Jonathan Wagner